Our Ministries

  • Children, Youth, and Family Ministry

    Provides formation and activities for children, youth, and their families. Programming includes Godly Play (ages 3-10), Children’s Chapel (for 9-11), and our youth group, which will be using the Journey 2 Adulthood Curriculum (youth group is for 6th grade and up).

  • Christian Formation

    Education in God’s word is essential and we offer two options to further your understanding. EfM (Education for Ministry) and ELF (Exploring Life and Faith).

  • Parish Life

    Dedicated to building community in the parish through social events, including, The Movie Group, Moveable Feasts, and a Monthly Book Group.

  • Community Engagement

    These ministries include the Social Justice Ministry and the Mission and Outreach Ministry.

  • Music

    Community of staff and volunteer singers and instrumentalists who provide a vast array of hundreds of pieces of music for many dozens of worship services throughout St. Andrew's busy liturgical year.

  • LGBTQ+

    We believe in the inclusion of LGBTQ+ people in our church and society. We support the ordination of LGBTQ+ clergy, the blessing of same-sex marriages, and the full participation of LGBTQ+ people in all aspects of our faith community.

  • Liturgical Ministries

    Participating in the liturgical rites and practies is a joy and we are glad to offer ways to serve such as; Welcome Ministry, Altar Guild, Flower Guild, Guild of Readers, Prayer Chain, Eucharistic Visitors and Acolytes.

  • Campus & Buildings

    Being good stewards of our grounds and building is something we take pride in. Join and learn more about our Garden Guild and our History Project.

  • Parish Leadership

    One of the best parts of a parish is that the church body governs itself. Learn more and join us on the Vestry, Endowment Committee or Building Our Vision.

  • Digital Presence

    In an effort to create a broader connection between ourselves and the world, serve with our Social Media & Streaming Ministry and the Website Task Force.

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