Our Ministries
Children, Youth, and Family Ministry
Provides formation and activities for children, youth, and their families. Programming includes Godly Play (ages 3-10), Children’s Chapel (for 9-11), and our youth group, which will be using the Journey 2 Adulthood Curriculum (youth group is for 6th grade and up).
Christian Formation
Education in God’s word is essential and we offer two options to further your understanding. EfM (Education for Ministry) and ELF (Exploring Life and Faith).
Parish Life
Dedicated to building community in the parish through social events, including, The Movie Group, Moveable Feasts, and a Monthly Book Group.
Community Engagement
These ministries include the Social Justice Ministry and the Mission and Outreach Ministry.
Community of staff and volunteer singers and instrumentalists who provide a vast array of hundreds of pieces of music for many dozens of worship services throughout St. Andrew's busy liturgical year.
We believe in the inclusion of LGBTQ+ people in our church and society. We support the ordination of LGBTQ+ clergy, the blessing of same-sex marriages, and the full participation of LGBTQ+ people in all aspects of our faith community.
Liturgical Ministries
Participating in the liturgical rites and practies is a joy and we are glad to offer ways to serve such as; Welcome Ministry, Altar Guild, Flower Guild, Guild of Readers, Prayer Chain, Eucharistic Visitors and Acolytes.
Campus & Buildings
Being good stewards of our grounds and building is something we take pride in. Join and learn more about our Garden Guild and our History Project.
Parish Leadership
One of the best parts of a parish is that the church body governs itself. Learn more and join us on the Vestry, Endowment Committee or Building Our Vision.
Digital Presence
In an effort to create a broader connection between ourselves and the world, serve with our Social Media & Streaming Ministry and the Website Task Force.
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