Liturgical Ministries


The Welcome Ministry is for new and long-time parishioners alike. Anyone who wants to share what they have found (Sunday Mornings, Stillpoint, and all special services) can engage in the ministry of our patron, St. Andrew, by "Welcoming All, To Come and See." Commitment is low and, as you are able, with expected arrival before the service and a willingness to be aware for people who need directions, assistance, or introducing newcomers to others during coffee hour and other social moments. We welcome you to welcome all! 


The Altar Guild is open to any and all who wish to serve God and support the interim rector in her ministry of corporate worship by preparing the church and altar for the celebration of our liturgies. The Guild supports St. Andrew’s, Episcopal and Anglican, traditions and encourages parish growth and goals.  In fulfilling this vision, we are open to suggestions from our Interim Rector, our membership and the parish as a whole.  The Guild intends to be a dynamic ministry that seeks to ‘Glorify God’ in all our services.

Head of the Guild: Leo Bonfadini

Flowers: Judie James



The ministry of the Prayer Chain is intercessory prayer. Prayer requests of the parish are gathered into the Parish Prayer List from email received, and updated weekly. The Prayer Chain members give their time to hold the requests of the parish in prayer. Each member of the Prayer Chain chooses a day of the week as their special time to offer the Prayer List in private prayer. The regular practice of intercessory prayer helps us as members of the Prayer Chain to grow in our spiritual life, and brings us closer to the parish.

The Parish Prayer List is available to the parish at large as well. On Friday at noon, anyone can join a group via Zoom to focus together on the Prayer List. The Parish Prayer List is available through a link in the Fruits of the Tree e-newsletter, and on our website, offering the members of the parish the opportunity to participate individually in prayer as they have the opportunity. New members of the Prayer Chain are always welcome, we operate by email.

Please contact for more information or to volunteer.


The Flower Guild, led by Judie James, seeks to offer seasonally and liturgically appropriate arrangements to beautify our space. The arrangments are carefully and thoughtfully selected to adhere to the liturgical season and preference of the Interim Rector. Any who wish to assist in this ministry are encouraged. The life of corporate worship has many dynamic parts; the flower guild is one among many that bring the liturgical to life.

St. Benedict’s Guild (Lectors)

With the leadership of Zoe Cole and Micaëla Larsen Brown, the lectors guild ensures that the readings for each Sunday follow The Revised Common Lectionary, adhereing to the standards of The Episcopal Church. The guild has a dedicated team that serve during the various services throughout the week. An important part of corporate worship, our lectors offer their talents through speech and bring the Word of God to life each time they read at the lectern.

Consider joining them!


Led by Diana Solomon, the Eucharistic Vistors offer a pastoral presence to our homebound and distant neighbors. They bring the Sacrment to the people extending the life of our corporate worship out into the world. A dedicated team of parishioners serve in this role. They’d be happy to have you! Read more about it here.


The Acolyte ministry helps to facilitate the liturgy, which contributes to a holistic space in which the community worships. We also represent the community and serve as a bridge from the congregation to the altar. Our ministry helps revere and celebrate life milestones at memorials, marriages, and baptisms. We are the face of the community at the altar. As we serve, the gifts that we both give and receive are abundant and plentiful.